
  • Feugère, Lionel (2022), “Code for audio-video parameter extraction, statistical tests and figure design related to characterization of male-mosquito hearing”, Mendeley Data, V2,

  • Feugère, Lionel (2021), “Code for audio-video parameter extraction and statistical tests related to mosquito response to opposite-sex sound-stimuli”, Mendeley Data, V3,
  • L. Feugère, B. Doval, P. Le Saec (2015)
    Python funtion vocategory
    Vocal category classification and characterization through the distribution of note partials along their duration.
    Included in the timeside Python library (open-source).
  • L. Feugère, B. Verbrugghe, P. D. M. Cardoso (2009)
    Real time system of automatic segmentation and recognition of beatbox onomatopeia
    Voxler (video games compagny)