Publications and talks



  • //PAPER//
    Carnaghi, M., Mandelli, F., Feugère, L., Joiner, J., Belmain, S.R., Hopkins, R.J., Hawkes, F.M. (2024), Protocol for rearing and using mosquitoes for flight path tracking and behavioral characterization in wind tunnel bioassays, STAR Protocols 5:103180. j.xpro.2024.103180


keywords: sensory physiology, mosquito behaviour, 3D audio-visual recordings, aeroacoustics

  • //PAPER//
    Carnaghi, M., Mandelli, F., Feugère, L., Joiner, J., Young, S., Belmain, S.R., Hopkins, R.J., Hawkes, F.M. (2023), Visual and thermal stimuli modulate mosquito-host contact with implications for improving malaria vector control tools, iScience 27(1):108578.
  • //PAPER//TALK//
    Feugère, L., Seo, J.H., Ismail, U., Gibson, G., Mittal, R. (2023),
    3D audio-visual recordings of mosquito wings for aeroacoustic simulation, Forum Acusticum, European Acoustics Association, pp. 5151-5158.


keywords: sensory physiology, mosquito behaviour, mating swarms, science epistemology, art-science performance, sound traps
    Feugère, L., Simões, P.M.V., Russell, I.J. and Gibson, G. (2022). The role of hearing in mosquito behaviour. Chapter 26. In: Ignell, R., Lazzari, C.R., Lorenzo, M.G. and Hill, S.R. (eds.) Sensory ecology of disease vectors. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, the Netherlands, pp. 683-708.

    Feugère, L., Gibson, G., Noûs, C. (2022), Comment l’entomologie et la musique peuvent se nourrir l’une de l’autre : le cas de la communication acoustique des moustiques, dans Lassauzet, B. et Montandon, A. (dir.), Les insectes et la musique, coll. “Gream”, Hermann, Paris, p. 37-57. ISBN 9791037022493
    (postprint PDF, CAIRN)

  • //TALK//
    Mittal, R., Seo, J. H., Ismail, U., Zhou, J., Feugère, L. and Gibson, G. (2022), Decoding the biomechanics of flight-tone based acoustic communication in mosquitoes. In: 21th HFSP Awardee meeting, 28 Aug – 1st Sept 2022, Paris.
  • //TALK//
    Feugère, L. (2022), Communication acoustique lors de l’accouplement des insectes à essaimage stationnaire, Equipe Communications acoustiques, Institut des neurosciences de Paris Saclay, 28 avril 2022


keywords: acoustical ecology, mosquito behaviour, mosquito flight-tone, mating swarms, long-range-hearing, speciation, glottal flow model, voice synthesis
  • //PAPER//
    Perrotin, O., Feugère, L., d’Alessandro, C. (2021), Perceptual equivalence of the Liljencrants-Fant and linear-filter glottal flow models, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 150, 1273-1285 (2021)
    (PDF, HTML)
  • //TALK//
    Mittal, R., Seo, J. H., Feugère, L. and Gibson, G. (2021), Decoding the biomechanics of flight-tone based acoustic communication in mosquitoes. In: 20th HFSP Awardee meeting, 5-8 Jul 2021, online event.
  • //REPORT//
    Feugère, L., Gibson, G., Manoukis, N. C., Roux, O. (2021), Supplementary materials. from Mosquito sound communication: are male swarms loud enough to attract females? The Royal Society. Journal contribution.


Keywords: acoustical ecology, mosquito behaviour, mating swarms, long-range-hearing, speciation, science epistemology, art-science
  • //TALK//
    Feugère, L. and Gibson, G.,
    Comment l’entomologie et la musique peuvent se nourrir l’une de l’autre: le cas de la communication acoustique des moustiques,
    Journée d’études : « Les insectes et la musique », 17 Sep 2020, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
  • //TALK//
    Gibson, G., Feugère, L. , Manoukis, N. and Roux, O.,
    Do female mosquitoes detect and locate male swarms by attraction to the sound or smell (pheromones) of male aggregations?
    Fourth Research coordination meeting on “Mosquito Handling, Transport, Release and Male Trapping Methods”, 14-18 Sep 2020, Vienna, Austria (videoconference).
  • //TALK//
    Feugère, L. , Gibson, G., Manoukis, N. and Roux, O.,
    Les essaims de moustiques ont-ils une puissance sonore suffisante pour être localisables à distance par les femelles ?
    Behaviour research-group meeting (IRD), 18 Jun 2020, Montpellier, France.


Keywords: acoustical ecology, mosquito behaviour, mating swarm, long-range-hearing, speciation, digital musical instruments, singing synthesis
  • //PAPER//
    C. d’Alessandro, S. Delalez, B. Doval, L. Feugère, O. Perrotin,
    Les instruments chanteurs,
    Acoustique & Techniques, n°88, 36-43, 2019.


Keywords: acoustical ecology, mating swarm, digital musical instruments, singing synthesis
  • //PAPER//
    C. d’Alessandro, L. Feugère, O. Perrotin, S. Delalez, B. Doval,
    Le contrôle des instruments chanteurs,
    14ème Congrès Français d’Acoustique (CFA ’18), 1249-1255.
  • //REPORT//
    Lionel Feugère,
    Acoustical description of field An. coluzzii swarms in Bama, Burkina Faso,
    Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Février 2018.


Keywords: computational ethnomusicology, digital musical instruments, gestural control, singing synthesis


Keywords: computational ethnomusicology, intermediate vocal categories, digital musical instruments, gestural control of vocal articulation, education tool, singing synthesis, glottal flow models
  • //PAPER//TALK//
    L. Feugère, C. d’Alessandro, S. Delalez, L. Ardaillon, A. Roebel,
    Evaluation of singing synthesis: methodology and case study with concatenative and performative systems.
    Proc. Interspeech 2016, 1245-1249.
    (PDF, Slides)
  • //POSTER//
    L. Feugère, C. d’Alessandro, B. Doval, O. Perrotin (2016)
    Cantor Digitalis: Interactive Voice Factory and Digital Instrument of Sung Vowels/Semi-Vowels
    Ecole d’été Sciences et Voix: expressions, usages et prises en charge de l’instrument vocal humain, Porquerolles, Septembre 24-28, 2016.
  • //TALK//
    J. Simonnot, T. Fillon, G. Pellerin, J. Pinquier, L. Feugère, and E. Lechaux (2016)
    The web platform Telemeta: New tools and perspectives for use of ethnomusicological sources
    ICTM Studygroup Historical Sources Paris 2016, March 9-13, 2016, Paris.
  • //REPORT//
    Lionel Feugère (2016)
    Survey of rules between perceptive parameters and low-level synthesis parameters of LF glottal flow model, and application to Cantor Digitalis
    LIMSI-CNRS, Nov 2016


Keywords: computational ethnomusicology, intermediate vocal categories, digital musical instruments, singing synthesis, acoustic feature extraction
  • //REPORT//
    L. Feugère, C. d’Alessandro (2015),
    Cantor Digitalis: Evaluation of Performative Singing Synthesis LIMSI, CNRS, Internal report
  • //TALK//
    L. Feugère, M.-F. Mifune, B. Doval (2015)
    The sound continuum between speech and song
    In L. Feugère, S. Fürniss, J. Lambert, E. Lechaux, M.-F. Mifune, G. Pellerin, J. Pinquier, J. Simonnot, V. Vapnarsky, A. Monod Becquelin, M. Chausson et C. Becquey. Round table on Diadems program. 23rd International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) Colloquium “Between Speech and Song: Liminal Utterances“, May 20-22, 2015, Nanterre.
  • //REPORT//
    L. Feugère (2015)
    Analyse de productions vocales sur des documents sonores ethnomusicologiques : caractérisation de catégories vocales intermédiaires basée sur la distribution des notes selon leur durée et développement d’outils
    LAM-d’Alembert, Rapport de fin de contrat, projet DIADEMS, July, 2015.


Keywords: gesture-control audio synthesis, digital musical instruments, singing synthesis, computer orchestra, digital choir
  • //PAPER//
    C. d’Alessandro, L. Feugère, S. Le Beux, O. Perrotin, A. Rilliard, Drawing melodies : Evaluation of Chironomic Singing Synthesis, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 135(6), 3601-3612, 2014.
    (PDF Copyright (2014) Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America.)
  • //REPORT//
    L. Feugère, C. D’Alesandro (2014), Gesture analysis of voice synthesis chironomy, LIMSI, CNRS, Internal report


Keywords: gesture-control audio synthesis, digital musical instruments, singing synthesis, acoustic phonetics, digital choir
  • //PAPER//TALK//
    L. Feugère, C. d’Alessandro
    Digitartic: bi-manual gestural control of articulation in performative singing synthesis,
    Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, 331-336.
    (PDF, Abstract)
  • //PAPER//
    D’Alessandro, N., d’Alessandro, C., Feugère, L., Astrinaki, M., Wang, J., Perrotin, O., Pon, A., Doval, B.
    Vox Tactum Meets Chorus Digitalis: Seven Years of Singing Surfaces
    13th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Daejeon, Korea Republic, May 27-30, 2013, 331-336. ISSN 2220-4806.


Keywords: gesture-control audio synthesis, digital musical instruments, computer orchestra, singing synthesis
  • //PAPER//TALK//
    S. De Laubier, G. Bertrand, H. Genevois, V. Goudard, B. Doval, L. Feugere, S. Le Beux, C. d’Alessandro, OrJo et la Méta-Mallette 4.0, Journées d’Informatique Musicale (JIM 2012), Mons, Belgique, 09/05-11/05, 2012, 227-232. Unreferenced proceedings available online.
  • //REPORT//
    L. Feugère, S. Lebeux, C. d’Alessandro, OrJo : développement d’instruments virtuels sur la synthèse vocale (LIMSI-CNRS), Rapport de fin du projet, 2012.


Keywords: gestural singing, digital musical instruments, computer orchestra, singing synthesis, digital choir
  • //PAPER//TALK//
    S. Le Beux, L. Feugère, C. d’Alessandro, Chorus digitalis : experiment in chironomic choir singing, 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2011), Firenze, Italy, August 27-31, 2011, 2005-2008. ISSN 1990−9772.
    (PDF, Alternative link)
    L. Feugère, S. Le Beux, C. d’Alessandro, Chorus digitalis : polyphonic gestural singing, 1st International Workshop on Performative Speech and Singing Synthesis (P3S 2011), Vancouver (Canada), March 14-15, 2011, 4p. Unreferenced printed proceedings.

  • //POSTER/
    L. Feugère (2011)
    Modèles de contrôle instrumental de la synthèse vocale,
    Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en Acoustique Audition et Signal Audio (JJCAAS), 7, 8 et 9 décembre 2011, Orange Labs, Rennes.


  • //POSTER//
    L. Feugère (2010)
    Contrôle gestuel d’occlusives pour les instruments de synthèse vocale
    Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en Acoustique Audition et Signal Audio (JJCAAS), 17-19 novembre 2010, Paris.


  • //THESIS//TALK//
    L. Feugère (2009), Automatic segmentation and real-time voice recognition: the case of beatbox, Master 2 thesis supervised by Bruno Verbrugghe and Pedro Dias Miguel Cardoso, Voxler, Paris


  • //THESIS//TALK//
    L. Feugère (2008), Binaural acoustic clues to perceive space dynamically, Magistere thesis of Université Paris-Sud supervised by Lorenzo Picinali and Brian F.G. Katz, LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay, FR


  • //THESIS//TALK//
    L. Feugère (2007), Automatic labelling of tabla sounds, Master 1 thesis supervised by Perfecto Herrera, UPF, Music Technology Group, Barcelona


  • //THESIS//TALK//
    L. Feugère (2006), Experimental study of nonlinear vibrations of drums cymbals, Licence thesis supervised by Cyril Touzé, ENSTA ParisTech, Unité de Mécanique, Palaiseau, FR